
23 February – 19 April 2019


Artists: Istvan Betuker, Radu Băieș, Norbert Filep, Pavel Grosu, Lucian Popăilă, Marcel Rusu, Ioan Sbârciu, Alexandra Șerban

Curated by: Suzana Vasilescu

Location: Sector 1 Gallery

“Bluebird” – the second collective exhibition of the gallery, featuring works by its resident artists: Radu Băieș, Istvan Betuker, Pavel Grosu, Norbert Filip, Lucian Popăilă, Marcel Rusu, Alexandra Șerban and Ioan Sbârciu.

Departing from Charles Bukowski’s poem „Bluebird”, this group exhibition is a visual reflection of the innermost torments of the artistic processes presented. Pending between figurative and non-figurative, the works in this exhibition highlight experience, emotion, and imagination that stops oneself from succumbing to vulnerability. The colours, shades and shapes sit together in the gallery space to complement and affect each other, to deploy and yet hide that vulnerable feeling of creation and existence.

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